How America Was Lost: From 9/11 to the Police/Welfare State Read online

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  Libya is the first armed revolt in the so-called “Arab Spring.” Reports have made it clear that there is nothing “democratic” about the revolt.

  The West managed to push a “no-fly” resolution through its puppet organization, the United Nations. The resolution was limited to neutralizing Gaddafi’s air force. However, Washington, and its French puppet, Sarkozy, quickly made an “expansive interpretation” of the UN resolution and turned it into authorization to become directly involved in the war.

  Gaddafi has resisted the armed rebellion against the state of Libya, which is the normal response of a government to rebellion. The US would respond the same, as would the UK and France. But by trying to prevent his country from becoming another American puppet state, Gaddafi has been indicted. The International Criminal Court knows that it cannot indict the real perpetrators of crimes against humanity—Bush, Blair, Obama, and Sarkozy—but the court needs cases and so it accepts those victims that the West succeeds in demonizing.

  In our times, everyone who resists or even criticizes the US is a criminal. For example, Washington considers Julian Assange and Bradley Manning to be criminals, because they made information available that exposed crimes committed by the US government.Anyone who even disagrees with Washington is considered to be a “threat,” and Obama can have such “threats” assassinated or arrested as “terrorist suspects” or for “providing aid and comfort to terrorists.” American conservatives and liberals, who once supported the US Constitution, are all in favor of shredding the Constitution in the interest of being “safe from terrorists.” They even accept such intrusions as porno-scans and sexual groping in order to be “safe” on air flights.

  The collapse of law is across the board. The Supreme Court decided that it is “free speech” for America to be ruled by corporations, not by law and certainly not by the people. On June 27, the US Supreme Court advanced the fascist state that the “conservative” court is creating with the ruling that Arizona cannot publicly fund election candidates in order to level the playing field currently unbalanced by corporate money. The “conservative” US Supreme Court considers public funding of candidates to be unconstitutional, but not the “free speech” funding by business interests who purchase the government in order to rule the country. The US Supreme Court has become a corporate functionary and legitimizes rule by corporations. Mussolini called the type of government that the US Supreme Court is imposing on the American people, fascism.

  The Supreme Court also ruled on June 27 that California violated the US Constitution by banning the sale of violent video games to kids, despite evidence that the violent games trained the young to violent behavior. It is fine with the Supreme Court for soldiers, whose lives are on the line, to be prohibited under penalty of law from drinking beer before they are 21, but the idiot Court supports inculcating kids to be murderers, as long as it is in the interest of corporate profits, in the name of “free speech.”

  Amazing, isn’t it, that a court so concerned with ‘free speech” has not protected American war protesters from unconstitutional searches and arrests, or protected protesters from being attacked by police or herded into fenced-in areas distant from the object of protest.

  As the second decade of the 21st century opens, those who oppose US hegemony and the evil that emanates from Washington risk being declared “terrorists.” If they are American citizens, they can be assassinated. If they are foreign leaders, their country can be invaded. When captured, they can be executed, like Saddam Hussein, or sent off to the ICC, like the hapless Serbs, who tried to defend their country from being dismantled by the Americans.

  Washington relies on fear to cover up its crimes. A majority of Americans now fear and hate Muslims, peoples about whom Americans know nothing but the racist propaganda which encourages Americans to believe that Muslims are hiding under their beds in order to murder them in their sleep.

  The neoconservatives, of course, are the purveyors of this fear. The more fearful the sheeple, the more they seek safety in the neocon police state and the more they overlook Washington’s crimes of aggression against Muslims.

  Safety uber alles. That has become the motto of a once free and independent American people, who once were admired but today are despised.

  In America lawlessness is now complete. Women can have abortions, but if they have stillbirths, they risk being arrested for murder.

  Americans are such a terrified and abused people that a 95-year old woman dying from leukemia traveling to a last reunion with family members was forced to remove her adult diaper in order to clear airport security. Only a population totally cowed would permit such abuses of human dignity.

  In a June 27 interview on National Public Radio, Ban Ki-moon, Washington’s South Korean puppet installed as the Secretary General of the United Nations, was unable to answer why the UN and the US tolerate the slaughter of unarmed civilians in Bahrain, but support the International Criminal Court’s indictment of Gaddafi for defending Libya against armed rebellion. Gaddafi has killed far fewer people than the US, UK, or the Saudis in Bahrain. Indeed, NATO and the Americans have killed more Libyans than has Gaddafi. The difference is that the US has a naval base in Bahrain, but not in Libya.

  There is nothing left of the American character. Only a people who have lost their soul could tolerate the evil that emanates from Washington.


  July 1, 2011

  The New York prosecutor has had to tell the judge that the police and prosecutors have lost confidence in their sexual assault case against former IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn. The judge has released DSK from house arrest and returned his bail and bond money.

  The prosecutors say that the immigrant hotel maid lied to the police about the incident and about other things, and the police have revealed that the “victim” discussed with an imprisoned man the possibility of turning the case into extortion. According to The New York Times, the maid’s jailed confidant was among a number of people who had made multiple cash deposits totaling

  $100,000 to the maid’s bank account. The police now suspect that the maid has connections to illegal drugs and money laundering.

  The prosecutor says that he will continue to investigate the case. What that means is that the prosecutor, a politically ambitious Cy Vance, is hoping to extract a misdemeanor plea from DSK in order to rescue the prosecutor’s own reputation from the fiasco of having been drawn into a plot against the person that French polls indicated was the public’s choice to be the next president of France.. The prosecutor is sending DSK’s legal team the message that the case is being kept open and could be reinstated unless DSK’s attorneys secure DSK’s permission to negotiate a deal on a minor charge, which essentially has no punishment, but saves the faces of the NY prosecutor and police.

  We will probably never know whether the maid thought the scheme up on her own or whether it came from Sarkozy’s operatives and their US allies. One indication that DSK’s political enemies are implicated is the fact, made public by the French press, that Sarkozy’s political team in France knew about DSK’s arrest before the NY police announced it. This fact did not stop the NY prosecutor and police from painting DSK as guilty in numerous public statements and in unethical if not illegal leaks to reporters.

  When police and prosecutors convict a suspect in the media before he is even charged, it typically means that there is no evidence against him and that demonization is serving as the substitute. Conviction is what is important to the system, not a determination of innocence or guilt.

  On numerous Internet sites, I pointed out the problems with the case against DSK. For informing people of the obvious, I was denounced by the right-wing and the left-wing.

  The right-wing gave me the finger for doubting the word and integrity of police and prosecutor. Didn’t I know that these are the honorable guardians who protect the public from crime? How dare I question anything the police and pros
ecutor did or do. What was I, some kind of pinko-liberal- commie?

  The left-wing also gave me the finger and said that I had revealed my real self as nothing but an apologist for the rich and powerful and for men who seduce women. How much was I paid for my service to the rich and powerful and seducers of innocent women?

  The feminist left denounced me as a misogynist. Only a woman- hater could take the side of a rapist against his victim.

  It is all so tiresome to endure the stupidity of people. Little wonder they are losing their liberty, their jobs and incomes, and their country and self-respect.

  With DSK’s reputation in tatters and DSK knocked out of the French presidential election and removed from the IMF, where he was beginning to raise questions about the establishment’s use of the IMF to bail out rich bankers on the backs of poor peasants, the “justice system” has done its work. It is now safer for the authorities to release him than to risk a trial. The shrill bleating of the maid’s legal team signifies their agony at having lost their share of the hoped-to-be extorted millions now that a monetary settlement would clearly indicate obstruction of justice and prison for them all.

  Those few who actually care about justice, not only for DSK and everyman, but also for the Greek, Spanish, Irish, and Portuguese people, can find comfort in the fact that apparently DSK had come to New York in order to speak with Nobel economist Joe Stiglitz about a more humane and democratic way to resolve the sovereign debt crisis in Europe than the one imposed by the private creditor banks.

  Obviously, anyone who would consult with Stiglitz is perceived by the rich and powerful as a threat to their interest.

  However, this obvious fact has made no impression on the left- wing, which has issued its shrill cries that, once again, the money of the rich and powerful has prevailed over law and justice.

  Update: The prosecutor announced that no evidence could be found to support a case against DSK and much evidence had been found to discredit his accuser and dropped all charges against DSK.



  July 5, 2011

  There’s an old English ditty, “a young lady of Kent,” that ends with these lines:

  “ she knew what it meant, but she went.”

  Eight years after she went, Strauss-Kahn’s French accuser says she didn’t know what it meant. If what I have read about the charge of attempted rape now being brought against Strauss-Kahn in France is correct, eight years ago a young French woman agreed to meet Strauss-Kahn alone in an apartment that was not his address. She claims that, despite her protests, Strauss-Kahn persisted in sexually aggressive behavior. She construes, or perhaps misconstrues, his behavior as attempted rape.

  If the woman’s account is true, there is an innocent interpretation. By agreeing to the meeting, she sent a signal that she did not intend to send and which Strauss-Kahn interpreted, or misinterpreted, to mean that she was sexually available.

  If this is the story, a French court would realize that, however frightening it was for the young woman, it was a misunderstanding and not an attempted rape. Strauss-Kahn would be guilty of boorish behavior, but this is not yet a crime.

  French skepticism would explain why the charge lay dormant for eight years and came to life on the heels of the New York case, which has now fallen apart. The certainty with which the New York police, prosecutor, and American media initially treated Strauss-Kahn’s guilt created credibility for the French woman’s accusation. Certainly, the prospect of Strauss-Kahn’s conviction on the New York charges would give a French lawyer more confidence in the French woman’s story.

  I offer this not as an excuse for Strauss-Kahn, who is much too horny for his own good, but as an innocent explanation of an event that also has non-innocent explanations. For example, according to the French press, Strauss-Kahn predicted that his favorable standing in the election polls would result in Sarkozy, or the interests behind him, paying a woman one million euros in order to bring sex charges against him in order to knock him out of the presidential race.

  We also know from press reports that the New York hotel maid had a French attorney who was assigned the task of bolstering her case for damages by finding some French victims of Strauss-Kahn. If the French case continues after the collapse of the New York one, Strauss-Kahn’s attorneys will certainly investigate any contact between the hotel maid’s attorneys and the French woman’s attorneys.

  We also know from the French press that Sarkozy’s political operatives knew of Strauss-Kahn’s arrest before the New York Police announced it. This introduces the element of conspiracy.

  How will it end?

  If the strength of the French case depends on the New York case, the French attorney will advise his client to drop the proceedings.

  If the French case is perceived as one of extortion and not justice, the case will fall apart.

  If the French public becomes convinced that conspiracy is involved, it will be electoral curtains for Sarkozy, and Strauss-Kahn will be the next president of France.

  Update: The French case fell apart, also. Strauss-Kahn did not run for president of France, but the socialist party candidate defeated Washington’s puppet, Sarkozy. Nevertheless the Western establishment with the complicity of the American left-wing and American feminists succeeded in terminating the political career of a man who stood for the people and not for the one percent.


  July 22, 2011

  Recently, the bond rating agencies that gave junk derivatives triple-A ratings threatened to downgrade US Treasury bonds if the White House and Congress did not reach a deficit reduction deal and debt ceiling increase. The downgrade threat is not credible, and neither is the default threat. Both are make-believe crises that are being hyped in order to force cutbacks in Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security.

  If the rating agencies downgraded Treasuries, the company executives would be arrested for the fraudulent ratings that they gave to the junk that Wall Street peddled to the rest of the world. The companies would be destroyed and their ratings discredited. The US government will never default on its bonds, because unlike Greece, Spain, and Portugal, the US can print the money with which to redeem its bonds. Regardless of whether or not the debt ceiling is raised, the Federal Reserve will continue to purchase the Treasury’s debt. If Goldman Sachs is too big to fail, then so is the US government.

  There is no budget focus on the illegal wars and military occupations that the US government has underway in at least six countries or the 66-year- old US occupations of Japan and Germany, or the ring of military bases being constructed around Russia.

  The total military/security budget is in the vicinity of $1.1-$1.2

  trillion, or 70-75 per cent of the federal budget deficit.

  In contrast, Social Security is solvent. Medicare expenditures are coming close to exceeding the 2.3 percent payroll tax that funds Medicare, but it is dishonest for politicians and pundits to blame the US budget deficit on “entitlement programs.”

  Entitlements are funded with a payroll tax. Wars are not funded. The criminal Bush regime lied to Americans and claimed that the Iraq war would only cost $70 billion at the most and would be paid for with Iraq oil revenues. When Bush’s chief economic advisor, Larry Lindsay, said the Iraq invasion would cost $200 billion, Bush fired him. In fact, Lindsay was off by a factor of 20. Economic and budget experts have calculated that the Iraq and

  Afghanistan wars have consumed $4,000 billion in out-of-pocket and already incurred future costs. In other words, the ongoing wars and occupations have already eaten up the $4 trillion by which Obama hopes to cut federal spending over the next ten years. Bomb now, pay later.

  As taxing the mega-rich is not part of the solution, the focus is on continuing to collect the payroll tax while cutting the programs that it is earmarked to support. This would restore the surpluses in the Social Security and Medicare accounts that can be used to reduce the budget defi

  Washington’s priorities and those of its presstitutes could not be clearer. President Obama, like George W. Bush before him, both parties in Congress, the print and TV media, and National Public Radio have made it clear that war is a far more important priority than health care and old age pensions for Americans.

  The American people and their wants and needs are not represented in Washington. Washington serves powerful interest groups, such as the military/security complex, Wall Street and the banksters, agribusiness, the oil companies, the insurance companies, pharmaceuticals, and the mining and timber industries. Washington endows these interests with excess profits by committing war crimes and terrorizing foreign populations with bombs, drones, and invasions, by deregulating the financial sector and bailing it out of its greed-driven mistakes after it has stolen Americans’ pensions, homes, and jobs, by refusing to protect the land, air, water, oceans and wildlife from polluters and despoilers, and by constructing a health care system with the highest costs and highest profits in the world.

  The way to reduce health care costs is to take out gobs of costs and profits with a single payer system. A private health care system can continue to operate alongside for those who can afford it.

  The way to get the budget under control is to stop the gratuitous hegemonic wars, wars that will end in a nuclear confrontation.

  The US economy is in a deepening recession from which recovery is not possible, because American middle class jobs in manufacturing and professional services have been off-shored and given to foreigners. US GDP, consumer purchasing power, and tax base have been handed over to China, India, and Indonesia in order that Wall Street, shareholders, and corporate CEOs can earn more.

  When the goods and services produced offshore come back into America, they arrive as imports. The trade balance worsens, the US dollar declines further in exchange value, and prices rise for Americans, whose incomes are stagnant or falling.