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How America Was Lost: From 9/11 to the Police/Welfare State

  © 2014 Paul Craig Roberts

  ISBN EBOOK: 0-9860362-9-3

  ISBN HARDCOVER: 0-9860362-9-3, 978-0-9860362-9-3

  In-house editor: Diana G. Collier Cover: R. Jordan P. Santos

  Cover photo: european pressphoto agency

  Ebook editor: Hudson Atwell

  THE COVER IMAGE: Tanks deployed on the streets of Boston during the mandatory “shelter in place” military curfew that put the entire city on lockdown after the Marathon bombing. All public transportation in and out of Boston was suspended and schools were shut down as authorities conducted helicopter and warantless house-to-house searches throughout the city for the wounded 19-year-old alleged perpetrator.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: Except for purposes of review, this book may not be copied, or stored in any information retrieval system, in whole or in part, without permission in writing from the publishers.

  eISBN: 9780988406520



  American Insouciance

  August 7, 2008

  Who Will Stand Up to America and Israel?

  May 28, 2009

  Are the Iranian Protests Another US Orchestrated “Color Revolution?”

  June 19, 2009

  Why Not Crippling Sanctions for Israel and the US?

  August 31, 2009

  Another War in the Works:

  America Is Led and Informed by Liars

  September 29, 2009

  Warmonger Wins Peace Prize

  October 10, 2009

  The Evil Empire

  November 7, 2009

  Khalid Sheikh Mohammed’s Trial Will Convict Us All

  November 24, 2009

  The Obama Puppet

  December 3, 2009

  For Palestinians, Every Day Is Kristallnacht

  December 15, 2009

  Americans Submit to Tyranny

  December 29, 2009

  Liberty Has Been Lost

  January 6, 2010

  Is Anyone Telling Us the Truth?

  January 8, 2010

  Insouciant Americans

  January 11, 2010

  It Is Now Official: The U.S. Is a Police State

  February 10, 2010

  The Road to Armageddon: The Insane Drive for American Hegemony Threatens Life on Earth

  February 26, 2010

  American Naifs Bringing Ruin to Other Lands

  March 18, 2010

  Washington Murdered Sovereignty at Home and Abroad

  March 23, 2010

  Truth Has Fallen and Taken Liberty with It

  March 24, 2010

  America’s Complicity in Evil

  June 3, 2010

  Hillary Clinton’s Transparent Lies

  July 10, 2010

  The Business of America Is War

  July 27, 2010

  Death of the First Amendment /

  August 26, 2010

  The True Cost of the War

  September 3, 2010

  The Collapse of Western Morality

  September 23, 2010

  The War On Terror: Does Anyone Remember?

  October 15, 2010

  Who Has the Crystal Ball?

  November 2, 2010

  The New American Credo: Might Is Right

  November 3, 2010

  America’s Devolution into Dictatorship

  November 12, 2010

  The Stench of American Hypocrisy

  November 18, 2010

  Fabricating Terror: The Portland “Bomb” Plot

  November 29, 2010

  Who, Precisely, Is Attacking the World?

  November 30, 2010

  Wikileaks II: A Government Caught Up in Mendacity and Lies

  December 1, 2010


  December 27, 2010

  America Has Gone Away

  December 29, 2010

  Egypt: Things Have to Change in Order to Stay the Same

  February 1, 2011

  Obama’s FY 2012 Budget Is a Tool of Class War

  February 17, 2011

  War Über Alles

  February 26, 2011

  Our Time of Universal Deceit Needs an Orwell

  March 13, 2011

  Obama Raises American Hypocrisy to a Higher Level

  March 28, 2011

  The New Colonialism: Washington’s Pursuit of World Hegemony

  April 2, 2011

  Libya: The DC/NATO Agenda and the Next Great War

  April 7, 2011

  Osama bin Laden’s Useful Death

  May 3, 2011

  The Agendas Behind the Fabricated Bin Laden News Event

  May 6, 2011

  Americans Are Living in 1984

  May 11, 2011

  The West Is Trapped in Its Own Propaganda

  May 12, 2011

  Creating the bin Laden “Reality”

  May 14, 2011

  The Ongoing bin Laden Saga

  May 16, 2011

  The Strauss-Kahn Frame-Up: The American Police State Strides Forward

  May 18, 2011

  Dominique Strauss-Kahn: The Establishment Eliminates a Threat

  May 20, 2011

  Does America Have a Culture?

  May 23, 2011

  Will Washington Foment War Between China and India?

  June 5, 2011

  Conspiracy Theory

  June 20, 2011

  Who Does the Law Serve

  June 27, 2011

  A World Overwhelmed by Western Hypocrisy

  June 29, 2011

  Prosecutors Back Off From their Iron-Clad Case Against Strauss-Kahn

  July 1, 2011

  Will Strauss-Kahn Be the Next President of France

  July 5, 2013

  The Enemy is Washington

  July 22, 2011

  9/11 After a Decade: Have We Learned Anything?

  August 24, 2011

  In America, the Rule of Law Is Vacated

  September 1, 2011

  The Latest Orchestrated Threat to America: Pakistan and “The Haqqani Network”

  September 26, 2011

  Is the War on Terror a Hoax?

  September 30, 2011

  The Day America Died

  October 2, 2011

  The Roads to War and Economic Collapse

  November 23, 2011

  Misreading the Fight Over Military Detention

  December 4, 2011

  Washington Moves the World Closer to War

  January 16, 2012

  Drowning in Hypocrisy

  January 24, 2012

  Is Western Democracy Real or a Facade?

  February 14, 2012

  Washington‘s Insouciance Has No Rival

  February 15, 2012

  Silencing the Critics

  February 20, 2012

  Why Can’t Americans Have Democracy?

  March 2, 2012

  Empires Then and Now

  March 26, 2012

  What is ObamaCare?

  April 10, 2012

  Washington Leads the World into Lawlessness

  April 12, 2012

  How Liberty Was Lost

  April 24, 2012

  Trials Without Crimes or Evidence

  April 25, 2012

  Brewing a Conflict with China

  April 30, 2012

  Does the West Have a Future?

  May 10, 2012

  The Case of the Missing Terrorists

  May 14, 2012

  Washington’s Hypocrisies

  May 26, 2012

  Can the World Survive Washington’s

  June 28, 2012

  Can Americans Escape the Deception?

  July 4, 2012

  War on All Fronts

  July 16, 2012

  Syria: Washington‘s Latest War Crime

  July 26, 2012

  The Neoconservative War Criminals in Our Midst

  August 1, 2012

  The Next Election: High Stake Outcomes Based on Non-issues

  August 11, 2012

  Is Washington Deaf to Russian Warnings?

  August 16, 2012

  Correa Stands Up to the Jackbooted British Gestapo

  August 16, 2012

  America’s Future is Death

  August 20, 2012

  Pussy Riot, The Unfortunate Dupes of American Hegemony

  August 22, 2012

  A Culture of Delusion

  September 27, 2012

  America’s Moral Degeneracy

  October 10, 2012

  The Special Interests Won Again

  November 7, 2012

  Obdurate Washington

  December 11, 2012

  Attack on Sovereignty

  January 15, 2013

  The Institutionalization of Tyranny

  January 18, 2013

  In America Law No Longer Exists

  January 31, 2013

  Obama’s Expanding Kill List

  February 11, 2013

  While Left and Right Fight, Power Wins

  February 14, 2013

  Hugo Chavez

  March 12, 2013

  Iraq After Ten Years

  March 18, 2013

  What is the Government’s Agenda?

  June 11, 2013

  Washington Is War-Crazy

  June 17, 2013

  Stasi in the White House

  June 21, 2013

  A New Beginning without Washington’s Sanctimonious Mask

  June 25, 2013

  Washington Is Driving the World to the Final War

  June 28, 2013

  Has Washington’s Arrogance Undone Its Empire?

  July 1, 2013

  Lawlessness Is the New Normal

  July 5, 2013

  Putin Dresses Down the Gang of 8

  July 10, 2013

  Coup d’état

  July 13, 2013

  Role Reversal: How the US Became the USSR

  July 23, 2013

  The Two Faux Democracies Threaten Life on Earth

  July 24, 2013

  America Discredited

  August 1, 2013

  Bradley Manning Verdict Convicts Washington

  August 1, 2013

  Washington’s Drive for Hegemony is a Drive to War

  August 8, 2013

  Humanity Is Drowning in Washington’s Criminality

  August 13, 2013

  Gangster State US/UK

  August 21, 2013

  Syria: Another Western War Crime in the Making

  August 26, 2013

  Will Obama Doom Himself as a War Criminal?

  August 30, 2013

  America Totally Discredited

  August 30, 2013

  The Isolation of America

  August 31, 2013

  Will Congress Now Save Obama’s Face by Selling Out Democracy? / 393 September 4, 2013

  How to Stop Obama’s Military Aggression Against Syria

  September 5, 2013

  The West Dethroned

  September 7, 2013

  Too Many Years of Lies: From Mossadeq to 9/11

  September 10, 2013

  Putin Steps into World Leadership Role

  September 12, 2013

  What Happens If the Shutdown Causes the Treasury to Run Out of Money

  October 11, 2013

  How America Was Lost

  November 7, 2013

  What Is the Real Agenda of the American Police State?

  November 13, 2013

  Bin Laden’s Obituary Notice

  November 20, 2013

  The Kennedy Assassination (November 22, 1963) 50 Years Later

  November 22, 2013

  Protests in Ukraine

  December 4, 2013

  Washington Drives the World Toward War

  December 14, 2013

  Washington Has Discredited America

  December 19, 2013

  No Need for NATO

  December 2013, Trends Journal


  Dedicated to: Bradley Manning, Glenn Greenwald, Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, William Binney, and all others

  who stand for truth, justice, mercy


  The demonization of the Soviet Union in the post-World War II era was the basis for America’s reputation as the defender of freedom and democracy. Some historians and commentators deny that the United States deserved its reputation. They point to America’s destruction of native inhabitants, to the theft of Spanish territories in Texas and what became the Southwest of the United States, to the internment of Japanese- American citizens during World War II, to the apartheid existence of black Americans who participated very little in freedom and democracy for most of American history, and to Washington’s refusal to tolerate the rise of reformist governments in Central America.

  Whether or not America ever deserved its reputation, during the last few years of the 20th century under the Bill Clinton regime and during the 21st century neoconservative regimes of George W. Bush and Barak Obama, Washington threw away America’s reputation in order to better pursue its agenda of hegemony over the world.

  The Soviet Union had constrained and limited American power. The collapse of the Soviet Union unleashed American hubris and arrogance. Having declared itself to be the “world’s only superpower,” Washington began reorganizing the world in its own interest, which Washington disguised as “bringing freedom and democracy to the world.”

  The September 11, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center and on the Pentagon provided the “new Pearl Harbor” that the neoconservatives had written was necessary in order to launch their wars of conquest. The history of the 21st century has been the consequence of 9/11.

  The government’s account of 9/11 has been effectively challenged by 2,000 high-rise architects and structural engineers, by physicists and chemists, by firefighters and first responders, by pilots, and by numerous former government officials. No aware and informed person believes that the US national security state and the intelligent services of Washington’s NATO allies and Israel’s Mossad were outsmarted by a handful of Arabs operating independently of any government and intelligence service.

  Washington’s argument has been that terrorists must be killed “over there” before they come “over here” and attack America again. This argument has never made any sense, because Washington acknowledges that terrorists are stateless. According to Washington, almost all of the 9/11 terrorists were Saudi Arabians. Yet, Washington attacked Afghanistan and Iraq. Washington arranged the overthrow of Gaddafi in Libya despite the absence of any relationship to 9/11. Almost every day Washington murders with drones people in Pakistan and Yemen, countries with which America is not at war. Washington has sent Kenyan troops to fight Islamists in Somalia, and has sent French and Nigerian troops to Mali to fight the Washington- armed Islamists who drifted there after helping to overthrow Gaddafi.

  Mao said power comes out of the barrel of a gun. Washington says freedom and democracy come out of bombings. Mao is reviled, but Washington is praised or praises itself.

  The second part of Washington’s argument is that in order to be safe, Americans must give up the civil liberties granted to them by the US Constitution. In order to be safe, Americans must consent to citizens being thrown into prison indefinitely without any evidence presented to a court and without any executive branch accountability to due process.

  Americans must also consent to their government’s murder of citizens without due process of law. Mere suspicion or unproven accusation by some unaccountable executive branch off
icial is enough to snuff out the life and liberty of American citizens and to confiscate all of their property and assets.

  To be safe, Americans must also consent to being spied on—every email, every Internet site visited, every telephone call, every letter written, every credit card used and purchase made, as William Binney and Edward Snowden have proven. On September 28, 2013, The New York Times reported that the NSA is even mapping the social connections of US citizens. Washington’s argument is that unless Americans accept the most complete police state in human history, they are not safe.

  Consequently, today no American is safe from his own government. In public discourse in the United States facts are no longer permitted. Propaganda reigns. Washington, despite conclusive evidence to the contrary, ruled that Saddam Hussein in Iraq possessed “weapons of mass destruction” and that his possession of such weapons justified Washington’s invasion of Iraq.

  When chemical weapons were used in Syria, Washington instantly blamed the Assad government and attempted to organize support for intervening against the secular Syrian government in behalf of the Islamists. Washington claimed to have conclusive evidence but refused to share it. The ploy did not work. The world saw through it. The Russian government challenged it.

  The British Parliament, long an American puppet, voted against Obama’s war against Syria, declaring that Great Britain would not serve as cover for another American war crime. All of NATO except the French “socialist” president abandoned Obama’s war scheme, as did the American people and the US Congress. Putin, the President of Russia, stated publicly that US Secretary of State John Kerry “is lying and knows that he is lying. It is sad.”

  At this time of writing, the world seems to be coming to the conclusion that the US is not what it pretends to be. Instead, America is a malevolent force that brings the threat of a Third World War to humanity.

  Russia, the voice for peace, has tied down the US government in a UN resolution that ratifies Syria’s agreement to turn over all chemical weapons for destruction and that prevents the use of force against Syria. The criminal Obama regime fought this peace initiative with all its power and with all its purchased governments; yet Russia prevailed.

  The columns in this collection from August 2008 through December 2013 document America’s descent into a Stasi Police State domestically and into a warfare state whose aim is world domination. The individual incidents and travesties presented in this collection are most likely forgotten, assuming Americans ever knew of them. When massed together they document the descent of the US into the lawlessness of tyranny. There is some repetition. I was faced with the decision to eliminate the repetition so that the individual selections would read more like chapters in a book or to leave the repetition so that the individual selections could stand independently of the book as a whole. I decided to retain the individual selections largely as written as that presents the reader both with a book and with a collection of essays.